What is Women’s Empowerment? | 4 Ways To Support Women’s Mental Health

What is Women’s Empowerment? | 4 Ways To Support Women’s Mental Health

What is Women’s Empowerment? | 4 Ways To Support Women’s Mental Health

A woman is habitual to playing diverse roles in her life. She is the bringer of life, a pillar of the family, and a protector of her loved ones. But if a woman is well-understood and respected in our society, what calls for her empowerment?

As societies evolved, women have been overpowered and often neglected in the decision-making processes of a family. Women became an instrument of the household. Due to this neglect of rights in society, women faced ugly obstacles at every nook and turn of their journey.

However, a strong being cannot be suppressed by worldly reasonings, right?

That’s when women’s empowerment came onto the canvas and created a major revolution in almost every country of the world. In a male-dominated society, women demanded equal rights, equal pay scales, and better job opportunities. It is important to understand that despite their biological and societal responsibilities, women did not accept to be an instrument of the household.

Actions that promoted women’s empowerment

Women fell victim to social evils such as lack of education, unequal rights, discrimination, and most importantly, crunched mental health. To fight these social evils, the governments of several countries came forward to create strict laws and global awareness.

In the past few decades we have witnessed the following changes across countries:

  1. Fundamental rights have been granted to women across most countries of the world.
  2. Mental support groups and awareness societies are set up to battle mental disorders.
  3. Education and job opportunities are promoted for women coming from the backward classes.
  4. Women are encouraged to participate in politics, sports, and entertainment industries to showcase their talent.
  5. Equal voting rights and laws to protect women have been included in most constitutions.

These actions to empower women have been commendable. In fact, they have improved the situation to a great extent. However, there is a great surge in the need for women’s empowerment. Strictly due to the mental health crisis that they have been facing.

4 Ways to Support Women’s Mental Health

Mental Health can play an important role in the shift of social evils. We as educated individuals must come together to nurture these 4 ways and support women’s mental health.

  1. Access to affordable therapy: Consultations, medicines, and therapy can be expensive for many individuals. But if therapy becomes affordable, a change can be brought to society.
  2. Creating women-centric support groups: To highlight similar problems and create a sense of belongingness. 
  3. Promoting self-care: In a world where women often feel the pressure of handling every relationship, every once in a while, they must have the freedom to practice self-care.
  4. Breaking the taboo: Even today, most countries do not acknowledge the need for mental health aid. It is considered to be a low-priority issue. But breaking this taboo is indeed a concrete step to promote mental health for women.

Women’s empowerment is incompetent without a structure that promotes mental health. Although numerous measures have been taken, a powerful implementation is due. But with the right learning, awareness, and resources, women can be given the care and importance that they deserve in society.

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